Psychotic or Psychic?



Come and explore correlations between ‘psychosis and spirituality’

Psychotic or Psychic?

Come and explore the correlations between ‘Psychosis and Spirituality’ with me!

(Am I mad?)


Research informed article by Angel Healer

This week has been one strange week for me, as a practicing Psychic Medium, and I can tell you that I have even questioned myself on whether I am Psychotic or Psychic, you see being Psychic Medium can be incredibly challenging at times. It takes strength trust and belief not to doubt gifts and abilities that have been given to me.


So, On Monday the 14th of August 2023 a lady aged fifty-three went missing from the local area that I live in. There was a big campaign to try and find this lady as she was considered vulnerable. On the Wednesday, feeling a bit sad about the situation and praying that she would safely return home to her family I started to feel her energy around me.  On the Thursday   she   visited me with a message. Her message to me was that to help her family to have some peace, I needed to call the police to tell them where she was.

She then told me the exact location of where her body was to be found and what she had done to become stuck in the reeds of the river under the bridge. I was shaking to be honest as it was quite a revelation, but I kept hearing, please call   the police. After reflecting, I knew that I had to call the police and did, I explained to them that I am a working Psychic Medium and passed the information that had been given to me from her spirit to the control room.


I then felt slightly better for calling in the authorities, but with mixed emotions as deep down I hoped that I was wrong, and this was my imagination so I could not really settle to be honest. Any way lo and behold, she was found the next day   a mile up-river away from where I had reported that she told me she was. The tidal flow is particularly strong on this river (River Medway) I felt settled knowing that she would now be happy as her family could have some peace knowing where she was. God bless her soul and please send prayers and thoughts out to her family at this sad time.




What is spirituality?

Spirituality is a concept that there is something much greater in the universe than the self. Spiritual people love from their souls and are inquisitive about the mystery surrounded by the higher powers and are always exploring and seeking other extraordinary senses to explore the world around them. Spirituality can be very comforting for people and whether they believe in the Universe, God, Angels, or the higher realms. People choose to take comfort in their beliefs and can use spirituality as a tool to help them have a better wellbeing by trusting in higher powers through groups, temples, churches or from home.

Spirituality can be broken down further into religious and non-religious practices. Religions would follow their regimes and non-religious followers would look to outer worlds and trust in higher powers.


Benefits of spirituality?

Being spiritual empowers wellbeing, offers reliance on outside sources that are mystical other than using our five usual senses, touch, smell, hear, see, taste. There is a sense of personal independence in trusting in the universe that empowers resilience in a person that helps them to thrive. This drive helps a person to be able to overcome challenges and to understand what their purpose is in life which gives a great comfort. Spiritual people also get comfort in believing that there are other higher realms and so our life journey continues even after the death of the physical body.


How does spirituality fit in with Mediumship abilities?

Understanding Voices Spiritualism and mediumship article, the main belief of spiritualism comes from when we die our soul leaves the physical body but continues to live on and that people have abilities to be able to receive and communicate with these souls’ spirit and are known as Psychics or Mediums. I am a medium and communicate with spirit using all the clare senses as below to serve spirit in communicating messages.


What are Mediumship and Psychic abilities?

There are so many psychic mediumship skills but here are some of the well Psychic skills – Clairvoyance –Clear seeing, Clairaudience – Clear hearing, Clairgustance – Clear tasting, Clairsentience, Clear feeling, Claircognizance, Clear knowing.

I am extremely sensitive and can tune in with other people and find out what is happening within their life at the time of that reading.


My mediumship is a connection made between me and spirit world, this means that I work with angels, spirit guides, spirit to be of service as a channel by using the psychic senses, this enables me  to give loving messages from loved ones that have passed over to the spirit world, giving evidence to prove life after death.

Am I a medium or am I psychotic?

In the UK having a psychotic episode (Psychosis) is where the mind loses all ideas of its reality, and the minds thoughts and perceptions are troublesome and disorderly. Often a person is unable to understand what is real and what is not real in their world at the time of struggling with trauma and distress. This is one of the sensations that I also encounter when giving spirit messages, but I do not think that I am psychotic!


According to According to The American Psychological Association, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM5) of mental health disorders (fifth edition) is a tool used by professionals when diagnosing patients.

According to the DSM5 and UK charity Mind which is a mental health charity there are ten disorders that can cause psychosis.

  • Severe Depression – Feelings of deep sadness, tears, emptiness, hopelessness
  • Schizophrenia disorder – A serious mental health condition where there is a breakdown between thought processes, emotions and behaviours which cause faulty perception, inappropriate behaviours and feelings while withdrawing into a world of fantasy and delusion.
  • Bipolar disorder – Extreme highs and lows which can last for weeks to months at any given time.
  • Schizoaffective disorder – A combination of behaviours of Bipolar and Schizophrenia
  • Paranoid personality disorder – Distorted thought processes also known as delusions that cause severe anxiety and worry that something bad will happen without any evidence.
  • Schizotypal personality disorder – Difficulty building close relationships, often having unusual thinking patterns and views such as superstitions.
  • Postpartum psychosis – Mixed emotions of highs and lows filled with anxiety causing confusion and irritability after having a baby.
  • Delusional disorder – Many delusions meaning that there are beliefs that something is true when it is not and everyone else can see it.
  • Substance – induced psychotic disorder – depressive episodes mixed with anxiety, psychosis and mania when taking substances or withdrawing from taking substances with or without hallucinations.
  • Paraphrenia – Paranoid delusions where a person imagines things that are not there which causes distress, fear, and anxiety while a person can still function.

According to the DSM5 professionals must assess patients to meet the criteria thresholds before they are to be diagnosed with mental health disorders.

As a Psychic Medium who has communicated with the dead since the age of four, I wanted to show how the medical profession could have also diagnosed me.

Do not get me wrong I am not saying every person has altered states of awareness and Psychic Mediums, I do recall working with lots of people over my career that have mental health issues. One lady I supported needed two support workers to do house visits as she was very vulnerable, she believed she had dragons and famous people in her home. One day the window was smashed, and she believed it was a film start that had done it. Obviously, she was being supported and had a diagnosis and treatments provided, but that also got me thinking as I recall when studying psychology that the mind is bit like an onion with layers related to consciousness. According to Medium.Com; Layers of The Human mind suggests that there are many differences between the physical brain and the Mind although the human brain is a part of the human body, they suggest that the mind is not a physical form and that the mind is made up of energies that are connected to higher powers which manifest as energies and vibrations.

Psychosis or Spiritual emergence? Humans have been known to have psychedelic experiences which is where a human’s awareness is raised to an alter state, research also suggests that the brain to becomes flexible at this point.

Psychosis and Spiritual emergence also suggest that psychedelic experiences can be describes as extraordinary experience can be classed as mystical. People with this type of awareness would often be classed as Saints, Yogis, Sharman’s, and Mystical people.

And what about feeling ghosts’ presence by saying that they have a feeling or knowing and throughout a recent study advise that particularly happens a lot in patients who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease which also has a component that causes Cognitive impairment and the  patient can suffer headaches, dizziness and confusion where the patient believes that they are  seeing ghosts, as some of the symptoms of the disease.

Correlations between Schizophrenia (psychosis driven disorder) and Spirituality




Psychic Medium



Hearing things that no one else can hear.


Seeing things that no one else can see.


Olfactory Hallucinations

Smelling things that are not there.


Mediumship and psychic skills

Clairaudience is hearing that no one else can hear.


Clairvoyance is clear seeing that no one else can see.


Clairsentience is clear smelling when no one is there


Disorganised speech or behaviour

This happens when spirit connects as they play with the voice box of the medium that is channelling their energy


Catatonic or coma like daze


Day dreaming


Hyperactive behaviour

Personality traits


Diagnosed with mental health conditions

Follows trust and belief in spirituality and its benefits

So, as you can see from above, there are many correlations between being psychic /mediumistic and having psychosis. I believe that the more people should be educated around the spiritual path and not just diagnosed without classing this as a key factor, however science still has a long way to go.

I teach many people, including psychic mediums, about the importance of understanding the whole picture of mental health and mediumship abilities as I believe that far too many people are being given medication for mental health disorders when they could simply be having a spiritual awakening. Being labelled takes opportunities away and dents self-confidence. This is why I love writing articles and teaching about spiritualism. Mental health is my passion. 


Treatments for Mental Health Disorders

According to The National Health Service in the United Kingdom there are many effective treatments available for patients that struggle with mental health. The treatments may be the same in America as the DSM5 is the driving force behind psychology, mental health within the United Kingdom.

  • Severe Depression – Treatments include Talking therapies, Cognitive behavioural therapy, interpersonal therapy, psychodynamic therapy, anti-depressant medications, and combination therapy where a team will support you with specialist treatments and medications.
  • Schizophrenia disorder – Treatments include being supported by the community health teams daily, support from social workers, counsellors, psychotherapists. A care planned program assessment, keyworkers, reviews, admissions to hospital and access to the crisis team, antipsychotic drugs, talking therapies, cognitive behavioural therapies, family therapies, arts therapies.
  • Bipolar disorder – Treatments include medication to stabilise moods, antipsychotic drugs, Depression medication, education about Bipolar, talking therapies, lifestyle changes, food, exercise, more sleep.
  • Schizoaffective disorder – As this is a mix of schizophrenia and Bipolar both methods of treatment will be used for this disorder.
  • Paranoid personality disorder – Therapy group work, antidepressant, and psychotic medications, talking therapies.
  • Schizotypal personality disorder – Treatments used for Schizophrenia.
  • Postpartum psychosis – Treatments include, antipsychotic drugs, mood stabilisers, anti-depressants, Electroconvulsive therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy.
  • Delusional disorder also known as Psychotic Depression- Treatments include antipsychotic drugs, anti-depressants, Electroconvulsive therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy.
  • Substance – induced psychotic disorder – Treatments used for Schizophrenia and rehabilitation.
  • Paraphrenia – Treatments used for schizophrenia.


I would like to point out that there are many other mental health disorders that are not spoken about in this article for which you can also receive support and treatments.




Did you know this interesting fact?


Back in the 1930s Psychologist Karl Jung worked on procedures to help ‘stop the madness’ which we would now know to be depression, Schizophrenia, or psychosis in today’s terminology.

The procedure was widely used across Europe and American. The scientist as they were known as back then would use metal instruments and use these instruments to drill holes in the skull by accessing the skull from the eye socket. The procedure was known to cause nerve damage to the front lobal which is a part of the front of the brain.


Outcomes from the surgery rarely made positive differences in fact quite the opposite and research suggest that the procedures cause patients to have brain damage with some small proportionate of people having slight improvements to their mood. However, other consequences would cause a person to have apathy where they do not feel any emotions, cause incapacitation where the person was unable to use their physical or mental abilities, and others died through the procedure. The saddest thing that became known through this harmful procedure is that many people lost their lives, and it is mentioned during research that many of these people did not give their consent.


Most of the lobotomies stopped during the 1950s and medicine have developed and there were effective psychotic drugs being introduced. There are currently procedures called Psychosurgery that are carried out today, but the operations will only be carried out with a person’s consent.


My passion and life mission are to help others to thrive.

I am a CEO of a children’s self-harm and suicide prevention registered charity.

I write children’s suicide prevention programs that are research lead using the child’s voice to connect clinical research with social work practices, these empower children’s resilience and help build self-esteem whilst putting safety planning. And I am an international published author.

I hope you enjoyed reading my article.

Always remember, Angels are amazing!

Author; Angel healer 2023






National Health Service mental health;_ylu=Y29sbwMEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1693936088/RO=10/


Verywell Mind



Very Well Mind

American Psychological Association Layers of the Mind

Layers of the Human Mind. And the Endless Possibilities | by SRM Delhi | Bliss of Wisdom | Medium

Psychosis or spiritual emergence

Scientific American Ghosts

This Robot Messes with Your Brain Until You Feel a “Ghostly Presence” – Scientific American


The Spiritual National Union

Spiritualism and mediumship


A Little Message From Angel Healer

“I want to thank the Angels, my Spirit Guides and the higher powers for blessing me

with my magical and paranormal gifts that I can share with the world.”

Angels Are Amazing!