Psychic Mediumship workshops
Empowers spiritual growth
Promotes happy mental health and wellbeing
Builds deeper and meaningful understandings of your natural abilities and skills
Raises your vibrations to a higher consciousness
Course number 1; Magical Dragons
Exploring your senses, expanding awareness, and working with your spirit guides, and angels to meet your dragon. Psychic mediumship experiments.
Personal growth, self- empowerment and development to stretch your intuitive imagination.
Course number 2; spiritual unfoldment’s through the magic door.
Psychic Mediumship workshop empowering you to promote your spiritual wellness and to explore why this is important.
Understand how the clairs senses correlate with our mental health.
Experiments, clair empathy, clairaudience, and practice gratitude and manifesting exercises.
Course number 3; Build your self esteem and trust in your psyche
Psychic mediumship workshop to understand personality types, and how they fit in with your spiritual abilities helping you to build connections and schemas.
Explore Myers Briggs, Imposters syndrome, and inspirational addresses.
Course number 4; Work in love and light understanding the impacts to support mental health wellbeing
Psychic mediumship lesson on standards that spirit world need for ethical standards, testing hypothesis, spiritual awareness and connections to spirit world.
Experiments; Give the recipient clear messages and understanding boundaries.
Course number 5; Building relationships with tools to support spiritual wellness and happiness.
Psychic Mediumship lessons to explore readings through oracle cards and tarot cards, how to interpret your messages and connect to spirit world. Experiments and psychic readings.
Course number 6; understanding your soul and its ability to travel to other dimensions
Psychic Mediumship lessons in expanding consciousness and pushing the boundaries. Explore and understand Near Death Experience (NDE).
Experiments, psychometry, astral projection.
Course number 7; influencing your artistic consciousness.
Psychic mediumship lessons building your strength and wisdom through readings using colours, patterns and shapes.
Experiments, allowing spirit to use your hand to do free handwriting, psychic art.
Course number 8; how the universe and spirit intervene supernaturally
Psychic Mediumship workshop exploring schemas, memory links, intuition and clairsentience.
Experiments around gratitude, trust and understanding birthright miracles.
Course number 9; Explore the magic of reading through the earthly materials.
Psychic Mediumship lessons using flowers, stones, water and candles to connect to other realms.
Experiments transfiguration which are deeply profound spiritual practices that lead to new views of beauty.
Course number 10; Spiritual wellness
Learning Psychic Mediumship through Chakras, colours, healing, and platform experimental development.